Sunday, October 12, 2014

How to: mend a broken heart.

I'm writing this because I can't stand too see you with that girl who everyone says is beautiful. She looks mediocre to me. You've cut me so deeply so many times the love that bloomed in my heart for you is far too wilted to be salvaged. Still your face drives large nails through my brain. 

You know, it was selfish love. 

We stole, hit, burned and destroyed each other. Lies coming and going like kids on Halloween. Those lies never leapt from my lips. My lips were far too devoted to you. And maybe that's why it hurts so damn much. I was so hopelessly devoted to you. I would sit in the back seat just so I could stare at you in wonder. I would ride home on a cloud thinking how did I ever get so lucky?

Luck is for the ignorant. I was naïve. 

You're reading this so you can figure out how to get over you're ex. 

But you know we were never good for each other. You're too rebellious and I'm too heavy. Our hearts never beat together. I just forced mine to synchronize to yours. 

And you know, that's why we were a hurricane in December.

Yes I know you're still there. Keep reading I still have you in mind. 

Look at him. Seriously stare at him. Take a look from you're newly unfogged eyes. Love blinds you. You think he's a God, but in reality he has way too much acne and is about as mature as an 8th grade boy in a health class. 

Write. Write. Write. Write. Write about the good, bad, lonely, sad, horrible, breath-taking times. After reflecting you'll realize he caused your heart more trauma than he caused it too putter. 

Kiss a boy. Kiss a thousands boys. Because this is high school. High school isn't for marriage. It's for running for miles in fields with no clothes on. It's for being care free with no real responsibilities. Honey, you'll probably realize he actually kissed like a fish. Mine kissed like a trout.

Time. You need time. I'm still not over my teenage heart throb (@nickjonas) but I can listen to "when you look me in the eyes" with out crying now. I applaud myself for that. 

Distance your self. Be with your friends and your cat. Kiss a boy with beautiful eyes. Have a million girls nights. Jump on the tramp by yourself in the rain. Go to red mango everyday. Suddenly all at once, you'll realize you can like his picture with that mediocre girl because you're FINALLY free of him.

1 comment:

  1. "that's why we were a hurricane in December."

