It's 10:51 and my room is an ice box. All of my toes have frost bite and I'm 99 percent sure my heart does to.
They were so young.
I can't help but cry. Cry for them. Cry for their families. Cry for their short life. Cry for me.
It's 10:53 and I don't give a damn about AP psychology. Because the chairs in my classrooms are slowly starting to empty.
It's now 10:55 and my pillow is soaking.
I will always remember playing at recess with you. You were so full of life. Weren't we all?
My boots are heavy from the floods that have been destroying us and I don't know how to swim.
Neither did you.
I wanted to throw you a line but you never liked having help. At least I think so, my brain is a little fuzzy from my heavy boots.
It's 11:01. I can't sleep. I don't want to. Because I will have to wake up and see puffy eyes and quivering lips.
We all want change but it keeps happening.
When will the change come?
We all want change but this keeps happening.
When will the change come?
It's 11:06 and all I can say is rest in peace Terik. Lone peak won't be the same with out your smile and your wonderful laugh.