Sunday, December 21, 2014

Au Revoir Paris

If you really knew me you'd know my room is always messy. 

You would know my hair is always messy.

You would know my life is always messy. 

#realtalk I'm a mess. 

If you really knew me you'd know I laugh WAY too loud and way too often. Sorry I just can't help it.

If you really knew me you'd know why my pen name is Gemma Janes.

You would know I'm NEVER on time to first period. Or anything for that matter.

You'd know when I say "I'm almost there," I'm just leaving. 

If you really knew me you'd know I play my music way too loud. 

You would know I love cats. More than people. 

You would know I love swearing. I find it hilarious. 

You would know I go to Chick-Fil-A a few times a week. 

You'd know the workers know me by name and order.

You would know I'm in love with the ocean. 

You would know I gave bits of my soul away to the sky a few weeks ago. 

You would know my room is always and ice box. Like my chest. 

If you really knew me you'd know I fall in and out of love way too easily. 

You'd know 99% of my posts are about love. 

I hope I made you all fall in love with some thing. 

Because you all made me fall in love with Paris. 

Stay naive, stay brilliant. 

Yours Truly: McCall Andrus 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

I remember.

I remember how much I loved July.
I remember my kindergarten teacher. She called me love bug.
I remember my sister shoving socks in my mouth. 
I remember when my 6th grade crush came to play at my house. 
I remember how embarrassed I was when he saw all my Barbies I still played with.
I remember how exciting it was when my cat had kittens.
I remember how bad it hurt when I first fell off my bike. I still hate riding bikes. 
I remember the feeling of soaring the higher and higher I got on the swings. 
I remember how hard I would try to stay awake year after year. 
I remember how disappointed I was the next morning when I fell asleep before the clock stuck midnight. I always missed the celebrations. Now I'm writing this at 2 a.m. 
I remember how excited I was when I found a penny. 
I remember how scared I was of the number 3. 
I remember the tears washing my face when I had to give my kitty away. 
I remember how badly I wanted to grow up. 
I remember how warm my blanky was. 
I remember throwing up my favorite baloney sandwich. I haven't eaten baloney in years.
I remember my first win. 
I remember my latest loss. 
I remember how beautiful my sister was at her graduation. I won't look as good in that cap and gown this year.
I remember thinking how long I had to wait to put my favorite key chain on my car keys. 
I remember screaming the first time I drove alone. 
I remember the smell of my grandmas closet. 
I remember begging for quarters everywhere I went. 
I remember how bouncy those bouncy balls were. I always lost them after 1-2 bounces. 
I remember how much I loved cold hot dogs. 
I remember thinking how old my siblings seemed when they were in high school. I still act and feel like I'm 7.
I remember not wanting to be a little kid anymore. 
I remember not wanting to be 17 anymore.